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Publications Detail


PublicationYear: ENVIS 3rd Quarter Publications 2021-22

ENVIS Newsletter and Publications for Third Quarter of F.Y-2021-22


Floral and Faunal Biodiversity

S. No

Name of ENVIS Centre

Subject Area

Newsletter/Special Publication

Publication Theme


Punjab State Council for Science and Technology (PSCST), Chandigarh

Status of Environment and Related Issues

Punjab ENVIS Newsletter


Biodiversity Conservation in Punjab - Key Initiatives


Institute for Wildlife Sciences (IWS), University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge

IWS ENVIS Newsletter

Wuthering Wild: Behavioural Ecology of Indian Grey Wolf


Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Kolkata

Floral Biodiversity

BSI ENVIS Newsletter

Ethnobotanical Uses and Distribution of ‘Som’/’Kaulo’ a primary food plant of Muga Silkworm in Darjeeling foothills of West Bengal.

Vertical Farming of Orchids – an effective tool for addition and conservation.


Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Kolkata

Floral Biodiversity

BSI ENVIS Newsletter

‘Alpine Calanthe’ a beautiful terrestrial orchid from Garhwal Himalaya


Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Forest Genetic Resources and Tree Improvement

IFGTB ENVIS Newsletter

A role of Butterfly on native trees

Know Your Trees


Institute for Wildlife Sciences (IWS), University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge

IWS ENVIS Newsletter

Icthyofaunal Diversity of Hiran River Sihora (M.P)


Institute for Wildlife Sciences (IWS), University of Lucknow, Lucknow

Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge

IWS ENVIS Newsletter

Scenario of Snake rescue, their sighting in Lucknow and their behaviour


Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Kolkata

Floral Biodiversity

Special Publication

A Glimpses of E.K. Janaki Ammal Rosarium in AJC Bose Indian Botanic Garden - 2021


G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (GBPNIHE), Almora

Himalayan Ecology

ENVIS Newsletter

Community driven Environmentally Sustainable Development Programme (CESVP)


G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (GBPNIHE), Almora

Himalayan Ecology

ENVIS Newsletter

Biodiversity conservation research in IHR: A futuristic view for solutions



Pollution: Status of Air and Water Quality

S. No

Name of ENVIS Centre

Subject Area

Newsletter/Special Publication

Publication Theme


Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board (UKPCB), Dehradun

Status of Environment and Related Issues

ENVIS Newsletter

Water Quality Characteristics Trend at Downstream of Haridwar from 2015-2021.


Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board (UKPCB), Dehradun

Status of Environment and Related Issues

ENVIS Newsletter

Water Quality Characteristics of STP during Kumbh Mela (Hindi)


Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC), Gandhinagar

Status of Environment and Related Issues

ENVIS Newsletter

Status of Air Quality during, pre and post COVID lockdown 2019, 2020 and 2021, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.


Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board (UKPCB), Dehradun

Status of Environment and Related Issues

Special Publication

Water Quality Characteristics of River Alaknanda, Bhagirathi, Ganga and Yamuna – Uttarakhand 2020-21


Plastic Waste Management

S. No

Name of ENVIS Centre

Subject Area

Newsletter/Special Publication

Publication Theme


WWF-India, New Delhi

Wildlife Conservation (Including Species and Habitat) using Geospatial Techniques

ENVIS Newsletter

Avoid the use of single use plastics


Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB), Agartala

Status of Environment and Related Issues

ENVIS Newsletter

Plastic and Plastic Waste


Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB), Agartala

Status of Environment and Related Issues

Special Publication

Bioplastics – An Alternative to Conventional Plastics in Tripura


Land Degradation and its Management

S. No

Name of ENVIS Centre

Subject Area

Newsletter/Special Publication

Publication Theme


School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), New Delhi

Human Settlements and their Impact on Environment

ENVIS Newsletter

Land Degradation and its Management


Centre for Ecological Sciences - Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Western Ghats Ecology and Biodiversity

Technical Report

Grid based Inventorying and Mapping of Ecological Sensitive Regions in Udupi district, Karnataka


S. No

Name of ENVIS Centre

Subject Area

Newsletter/Special Publication

Publication Theme


Centre for Mining Environment (CME) IIT-Indian School of Mines

Environmental Problems of Mining

ENVIS Newsletter

Wholesomeness of Forests can Save Rivers and Aquifers


Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC), Gandhinagar

Status of Environment and Related Issues

ENVIS Newsletter

Status of Forest Cover in Gujarat 2019-20



Climate Change and Impact on Environment

S. No


Subject Area

Publication/Special Publication Name

Publication Theme


Consumer Education and Research Centre (CERC), Ahmedabad

Environment Literacy – Eco-Labeling and Eco-Friendly Products

ENVIS Newsletter

Climate Code Red – Causes, Repercussions and CoP


The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi

Renewable Energy and Climate Change

ENVIS Newsletter

Disaster Resilient Cities: Problems and Prospects and Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change



Cleaner Production and Resource Efficiency

S. No


Subject Area

Publication/Special Publication Name

Publication Theme


Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre (GCPC), Gandhinagar

Cleaner Production and Assessment

ENVIS Newsletter

Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production as a tool to achieve Green Economy


The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi

Renewable Energy and Climate Change

ENVIS Newsletter

Renewable Energy and Climate Change: At a Glance